ITIA partners with StAnza, Scotland’s International Poetry Festival, for a new collaborative poetry project.
Click on the thumbnail images for details of this project.

Call for Poets

Genesis 3

Genesis 32

Exodus 3

1 Samuel 3

1 Kings 19

Song of Songs 3
Call for Poets
ITIA partners with StAnza, Scotland’s International Poetry Festival, for a collaborative poetry project in 2018.
Poets and theologians create new poetic responses to six biblical texts, with creative mentoring from award-winning poet Michael Symmons Roberts.
The new poems will be performed at the TheoArtistry Showcase at StAnza, Sunday 11th March 2018, in St Andrews, Fife.
For more information, please e-mail Caleb Froehlich.
Genesis 3
Poet: Christie Williamson
Theologian: Margaret McKerron
Eve is tempted by the serpent to eat of the Tree of Knowledge and become “like God, knowing good and evil.” In sharing the fruit with Adam, their eyes are opened and they take to the woods, ashamed of their nakedness and fearful of God’s response...
Genesis 32
Poet: Ian Crockatt
Theologian: Marian Kelsey
Genesis 32 recounts the nocturnal struggle of the patriarch Jacob with a mysterious opponent... With the rising dawn, Jacob realises how close he came to death.
Exodus 3
Poet: Christine de Luca
Theologian: Rebekah Dyer
Moses, raised as the adoptive son of Pharaoh amid all the wonders of Egypt, has never seen anything as miraculous as this. He draws close — and finds God in the flames...
1 Samuel 3
Poet: Margarie Lotfi Gill
Theologian: Caleb Froehlich
Twilight hangs over the land of Israel. YHWH’s ark is housed in the temple at Shiloh, where members of the priesthood abuse their ministerial duties before it. Even as the light slowly fades from the temple and its environs, a single lamp illuminates the boy Samuel lying dutifully beside the ark...
1 Kings 19
Poet: Maria Louise Apichella
Theologian: Joel Mayward
The prophet Elijah has been sent to Mount Horeb to encounter God. He experiences a mighty wind, the splitting of rocks, an earthquake and fire... [But] It is in the still small voice – the ‘sound of sheer silence’ as the NRSV has it – that he discovers the presence of God.
Song of Songs 3
Poet: John Bolland
Theologian: Kimberley Anderson
The man referred to as ‘Solomon’ arguably toes the line between contrasting conceptions of masculinity: forceful and receptive; powerful and passive. The depiction of this smoky, amorous, combative character will question and challenge conceptions of gender both modern and biblical.